Florenville surprises ! Discover its heritage, gastronomy and surroundings. Behind the church is an exceptional panorama over the valley of the Semois, the neighbouring villages and the Ardennes forest. The belvedere at the top of Florenville's church tower is a unique vantage point. From the top of the 50-metre-high tower, you can admire a vast panorama of 800 km². The belvedere is open every day in July and August. You can also visit Paysalia, the landscape interpretation centre, in the tourist office building. Fancy a walk in Florenville? The Servais trail is a pleasant 3 km loop walk. This walk, with bilingual educational panels, introduces you to the birds of our region through the drawings of the artist Jean-Claude Servais. 6820 Florenville +3261311229 info@florenville.org

Thematic trail
Explore the foundations of the castle in Chiny, or follow the traces of WWI, explore idyllic bridges in the region or simply stroll through the Gaume. Learn about animals and plants from Servais' drawings, or look for bats... Ideal for active curiosity seekers... https://www.visitgaume.be/sebalader-sentiersetbaladesthematiques/
GR 151 Multi-day hike: Tour du Luxembourg belge - Distance: 226 km - Route: along the GR 151 - Difficulty: difficult https://www.groteroutepaden.be/ https://grsentiers.org/ La Transgaumaise - walk through the Gaume https://www.gta.be/la-transgaumaise/ La Gaume Buissonnière is a 225 km hike. The route is permanently marked with signs and the trail is described in a topographical guide. Long-distance route, which has been in existence since 1986. https://www.gaumebuissonniere.be/
Walking nearby
Attention during the hunting season!!! Be sure to respect the signs in the woods to avoid accidents!!! Walkers are well catered for: at our front door you can join the pilgrims' route to Santiago de Compostella there are also 3 walks transsemoissienne passing in front of the door Number 36: Le Charmois (10 km, 3h walk, easy) Number 38: Bois des Huttes (9 km, 3h walk, easy) Number 39: La Sartelle (4 km, 1h30 steps easy) A little further on: Number 40: Bois de la Houdrée (5 km, 2h, easy) The GR also runs a few hundred metres away.
Loop walks
Loop walks nearby https://www.visitgaume.be/boucle-n1-aux-sources-de-lardenne/ https://www.visitgaume.be/sebalader-promenadesbucoliques/
Train and backpack
Explore the region from station to station. https://novardenne.wixsite.com/tesad
On bike
On the trail of the Romans by bicycle Venture out on your two-wheeler via roads already used 2,000 years ago by our ancestors, the Romans, to connect Reims and Trier. Gallor route number 1 starts in Izel and takes you back in time. https://www.visitgaume.be/sebalader-gallor/ Even more by bike https://www.visitgaume.be/se-balader-a-velo/ https://ravel.wallonie.be/home/carte-interactive.html https://www.visitgaume.be/itineraire-patrimoine-paysage-de-la-lorraine-gaumaise-cyclo/ Or pick up on the cycle route network https://province.luxembourg.be/pointsnoeuds/planifier